The only nearly intact eye of a Moai ever fournd. It is on display at the Sebatian Englert Museum on Rapanui.

Also on display at the same museum is one of the very few female Moai. Note the breasts and the shape of the head.

This is the relatively small Moai moved by Thor Hyerdahl's crew. It is just outside the Englert Museum.

The Fonck Museum in Vina del Mar, Chile. It was founded in 1937.

A wooden Reimiro (chest plate) and other Rapanui objects at the Fonck Museum.

A collection of magical stones from Rapanui at the Fonck Museum.

Stone sleeping pillows from Rapanui, with magical symbols. The one on the left was probably used by a Tangata Manu candidate.

Rapanui fishhooks of bone and basalt.

Basalt adzes, called toki in Rapanui, used to carve the Moai (same as Hawaiian ko'i).

A display of mata'a, stone and obsidian spear and knife points. I am not aware of any other Polynesians who attach separate points to spears.

These are carved wooden maces, called ua, that warrior chieftains carried as a sign of rank.