The crater of Rano Kau with its lagoons.

Entrance to the Orongo section of Rapanui's National Park. There's a storm at sea in the distance.

The boat-shaped houses of Orongo with their sod roofs.

My wife Gloria next to an exposed section of the roof of one house.

Another entry showing more of the roofing.

Close-up of the entrance to a house at the end of the village. A bit of the crater can be seen in the upper left. Note the petroglyphs on the rocks.

Almost every surface was carved, in relief. Quite unlike Hawaiian petroglyphs, which were inscribed.

You can see a birdman figure on the right. The small island where they got the eggs is in the distance.

A slightly different view featuring other carvings. Natural holes in the rock make it look like someone carved a happy face.