The main stage of the Tapati Festival at Hanga Vere Vere, featuring a likeness of Hotua Matua in the center. Note the bare log benches.

The right side of the main stage, with Hotu Matua's sister in the middle and a traditional Rapanui drink container in the front.

The left side of the main stage, featuring a woman Maori (wise one, or kahuna) making a string figure. Note how close it is to the ocean.

A closer view of the Maori. She is holding a traditional string figure known in Hawaii as "three eyes."

An overview of the concession area.

Booth number one at the Gastronomy contest with some handicrafts.

Booth number two at the Gastronomy contest. Note the traditional headwear.

Booth number three at the Gastronomy contest. The girl on the right is wearing a feather skirt.

Figure of the birdman swimmer that won second place in the Sculpture contest.

Maunga Pui, close to the center of the island and site of the sledding contest.

Here come the crowds. Watermelon was the favorite picnic item.

A contestant tests the feet bindings.

Horses were used to drag sleds out of the way at the finish line.

The champion sledder - and surfer.

Even the losers were hounded for photos.

And some women just couldn't wait.